Friday, February 26, 2016

The Inseparable Link Between Smiling And Attraction


It may somehow be the glow or I may rather say "the flicker" amidst two people not knowing each other. It's the glitz which intensify the feeling. The sparkle that lights up the very moment of the picture:  it can murmur like the sound of the wind or cry loud with devotion and eagerness. It can merge people even during times of frenzy fascination, when the moments of illusion is a better place than reality. It's your smile! A very convenient means to communicate, establish a broader relationship and in one way or the other, build a connection. Nonetheless, everything is just an illusion with your smile broken, your teeth discolored or damaged, thus, creating a barrier between you and your suppose-to-be much happier life.

Smiling boosts an incredible display of natural responses, some feedbacks, from either of the two or both the receiver and the giver of the smile. The same is like a virus contaminating every face it encounters and is somehow proven. There is that part of the brain that is responsible for our facial expression of smiling or mimicking or rather simulating. They key ingredient here is that thing called dopamine, the amazing feel-good neurotransmitter. And because pleasure is such a dynamic mover and achiever, anything that releases dopamine becomes chronic and perpetual. In other words, it is quite "addicting". Another smile dwells in the limbic cortex, an unconscious automatic response area. So if you are smiling at someone, it’s likely they can’t help but smile back. But if they don’t, they are making a hard time to avoid it.

Every time you smile, your body produces a great quantity of antibodies which may be responsible for the big boost in your immune system. That's why, smiling doesn't just make you feel good, but it will definitely make you healthier, too. Smiling lets you feel unwind and loosen up every hard situation we encounter in life. The same is good for our health which as a matter of fact releases both, endorphins, those "feel-good" hormones, and serotonin, a natural stress-reducer.

We may sometimes be force to ride in unidentified cruise in life. Try to see the better side on every part of it. And if you would like to smile more, just for health, to loosen up, and not to forget for allure and attractiveness, why not give a little of your time and effort to visit your friendly dentist in town? Let's start to appreciate and enjoy the benefits of smiling. Who knows, you might be surprise at how much impact a little smile can make into your life.

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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gummy Smiles


The appeal of a smile has to do with both aesthetics and perception. When people seek cosmetic dental treatment because they are unhappy with their smiles, chances are they have a legitimate problem. Some individuals' feel they show too much gum tissue or their gums are too prominent when they smile. Either their teeth appear too small, or so much gum tissue shows that the teeth are not making an impact. And a gummy smile can make a person feel self-conscious.

So what is the definition of a gummy smile? That's a matter of perception, and therefore will vary from person to person. But it has been shown that a smile will usually be perceived as gummy when four millimeters — a tad more than an eighth of an inch — of gum tissue shows. 

Many people are not aware that there are options for correcting or altering the appearance of an excessively gummy smile. If a gummy smile impacts a person's enjoyment of life, comfort, and well-being, it could just be time to do something about it. And a lot can be done. First, your dentist will need to determine exactly why your smile looks gummy because understanding the cause always directs us towards the best solution.

The Tissue Is Not Just Gum Tissue

Gummy smiles look, well, gummy, when the proportions of the teeth, gum tissues, and the upper jaw are not in harmony with each other. The position of the upper lip also plays a role. Gumminess in your smile, then, is a combination of:

  1. The amount of gum tissue display
  2. The size and the shape of the teeth
  3. The length and the degree of movement of the upper lip.
  4. The vertical position of the upper jaw and teeth in the relationship to the skull

 The Tooth And Gum Tissue "Complex"

At the heart of the matter is the proportionality of the teeth to the gum tissues. Tooth eruption is an active process by which the teeth move through the gums and supporting bone to become visible in the mouth. It usually ceases in adulthood when growth is completed and when the permanent (adult) teeth meet their antagonists (upper teeth meet the lowers in the opposing jaw).

But the process doesn't stop there; the gum and bone tissues shrink back and stabilize typically somewhere in the late teens in girls and early 20's in boys. Ideal crown length (the visible part of the tooth above the gum line) is approximately 10 mm; this is considered normal. The ratio of crown width to length is about 75-85%, which is also what is viewed as normal.

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Friday, February 12, 2016

The Laser Revolution is Changing the Dental Healthcare


Lasers have transformed our everyday lives, especially in healthcare. These intense beams of light of a single wavelength have revolutionized all manner of diagnostics and treatments, from general surgery to cosmetic therapy.

Dentistry has also been influenced by the laser revolution. Here are just a few of the areas where they’re growing in use and popularity.

Early disease detection. Laser instruments can take advantage of “fluorescence,” the tendency of bacteria to “glow” when exposed to certain wavelengths of light. This is proving more effective in detecting early tooth decay in pits and fissures (very tiny areas in a tooth’s biting surface) than traditional needle-like probing instruments called dental explorers. Newer lasers can now detect the same fluorescent qualities in soft tissues, which may reduce the detection time for oral cancer and make the difference between life and death.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Being Vegetarian and Your Good Oral Health


We all have our own preferences when it comes to food choices becoming a vegetarian is one of the most considerable forms of food prerogatives. Notwithstanding some consequences related with it, there are some concerns relevant to being the same.

Many people in our society have chosen to go Vegetarian for many good reasons. People choose to prefer this kind of lifestyle or habits to live a healthier life. Vegetarian diet has considerable health benefits, and while most vegetarians have excellent oral health, it can also have an adverse effect to oral health without proper care. This is due to the fact that certain food groups are excluded in the vegetarian diet which causes the loss of certain nutrients that is needed or essential for good oral health.

There are nutritional issues correlated with this specific diet. Definitely, those who not eat food from animals usually suffer from calcium and vitamin d deficiencies and also proteins and riboflavin. However, if the concern individual is eating a well-balanced diet, problems will never occur and chances of getting all the needed nutrients is deemed possible. It is better to maintain not only your dental health but also your overall health.

Despite of the unavoidable negative effects of being a vegetarian, dental health advantages are obviously cannot be denied. Fruits and vegetables can boost saliva production which neutralizes acids in return. The same do not contain carbohydrates and sugars that can be easily acidify or fermented by bacteria. The fibrous contents do actually helps in cleaning the teeth, thus, aids in in protecting against dental caries. Low acid beans, legumes or whole grain products are among the best choices for fibrous supplements.

We must take into consideration that while putting into action a vegetarian lifestyle, proper information from documents, books, your physician and your nutritionist as well be provided. This is to make sure maintenance of a well-balanced diet. All related medical and dental expertise should be informed for record purposes.

Visiting your dentist on a regular basis for dental check-ups and services is quite vital in maintaining good dental hygiene. And altogether with a healthy well balanced diet, both are perfect shield against problems with your gums and teeth.

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