Sunday, August 23, 2015

Before and After Dental Implants: The Patient's Scenario


It is a common knowledge to most people nowadays to get dental implants as an alternative to their missing teeth. Restoring your lost smile has valued much together with all other face assets. However, the procedure of placing and assimilation of dental implants to your gums takes a lot of time requiring several visits to your dentist. Patience and endurance quite paid for sure that in the end, you'll have a replacement tooth or teeth that are strong as the original ones and with proper care can last for a lifetime.

You might be nervous or apprehensive about the consequences of dental implants despite of the fact that you are aware of the many benefits that it can give to you and your oral health. No wonder because the fact that you'll be undergoing dental implants procedure or surgery is reason enough to make anyone nervous. Perhaps, you will be one step ahead if you could have some knowledge about dental implants, and what to expect regarding the surgical process. 

A well-trusted dental professional or rather cosmetic dentist is the one to seek help. Your dentist will give you some instructions needed to follow days before the actual surgical procedure. That is, once you are already firm on your decision to get dental implants. Rinsing your mouth with special anti-bacterial mouthwash and prescription of antibiotics are part of preventive measures to be given by every dental professional.

Based on actual experience, several researches show that bringing back your smile through dental implants process typically takes around six to nine months. The procedure is accomplished into two stages or phases. The surgical phase which is the first stage involves the placement of the implant on the gums using a specialized drill. The implant is expected to be securely attached or affixed to the bone in next succeeding months, that is, once the first phase of surgery has been accomplished.

The second phase, however, includes an array or series of appointments. It involves the fitting and placement of the new crown as well as making impressions to layout or design a crown that features and resembles the natural color of the teeth. There are few discomforts after the surgery, like swelling and pain, however, the same can be properly controlled and managed with dentist-prescribed pain medications and antibiotics. Your patience and perseverance will definitely bring you joy after restoring that brilliant, dazzling smile of yours.

Your dental implants can be a perfect investment. Your dentist will surely give you advice as to taking care of your implants as you would to your natural teeth. With proper care your much cherished investment can even last a lifetime!

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